Many online inaccuracies about Samuel Lonewolf

As stated in my previous article, I do not intend for inaccuracies regarding my father to be flaunted about on the internet. I have made three attempts with a website to have them remove two articles regarding my father.  It was apparent that the person who wrote them knew nothing at all about him and was content with not only making things up and inserting falsehoods but putting himself in a position to appropriate my father’s history and back ground. This was done to the point that he even claimed to be a tenth-degree black belt under my father. This appropriation or hi jacking of my father’s system has been covered in previous articles.

It appears that this usadojo website is run by someone named Dana Stamos. After a few attempts at reaching out with not a single reply I now have to assume that this person is not remotely interested in what the truth actually is. You would think if someone's family reached out and said hey some of the things in that article are not accurate or even true that any responsible person would either inquire with the family or simply take the articles down.

I honestly have to ask what gave Mr. Miskel the right to write anything about my father. Mr. Miskel admitted that he didn’t even know or train with him. The family certainly didn’t ask Mr. Miskel to do it. Mr. Miskel by his own admission had never been to my father’s home or dojo. So why? I also have to ask what gave the website owner the right to post it on their website without the family’s consent? Maybe some families wish to grieve in private and want their privacy during a time of loss. These actions from Mr. Miskel and the website are intrusive to say the least.

The so called bio  and this memorial written on the day of and a day after my father’s passing with all their inaccuracies and lies doesn’t honor my father’s memory.  You would think these people would be interested in getting proper information directly from the family.  My father's own picture was used without any permission or authorization from the Lonewolf family. 

Quite literally there are only a few sentences of truth in both the articles combined. My father’s highest rank held was an 8th dan. My father only considered himself an 8th dan even in his own system. The article takes some liberties with the other ranks mentioned and even the people my father trained with. He was not a member of the IFAA Black Dragons, he did not train with Mr. Miskel at all. If these articles were about honoring my father then why wouldn't they simply go with his 8th dan ranks. He wasn’t a grand master and never considered himself that even in his own system.

There is no place other than these articles that the claim of my father being a member of the IFAA Black Dragons pop up. My father had absolutely nothing to do with any member of this group as most of them including Mr. Miskel were covering for a person, a Mr. Frank Dukes, who was trying to appropriate and insert himself into a history that he had zero involvement in. It was only after my father passed away that they started claiming he was one of their members. However, I have emails between my father and the members of this group where my father expressed his utter disdain for what they were attempting to do. He declared that he wanted nothing to do with them.

Lastly, there is another article online that I want to address, written by a Mr. Bret Gordon.  After reading his article the section pertaining to my father was filled with information that he obviously got from the only place he could, the two very inaccurately written articles on, the exact same ones mentioned earlier in this article. 

Mr. Gordon indeed lists or relists. as you will, repeating some of the same information found in those articles. Mr. Gordon obviously had also reached out to Gary Lee and wrote that Lee said he was the sole inheritor of my father’s system on his blog in 2020. Both men Mr. Lee and Mr. Miskel have since recanted their statements concerning any involvement with my father. Mr. Lee even reached out to Mr. Gordon last month and admitted that he wasn’t truthful to Mr. Gordon and had nothing to do with my father and did not inherit my father’s system. Mr. Lee asked Mr. Gordon to remove the article (email below). 

A forwarded email from Mr. Lee recanting his 2020 statements to Mr. Gordon

The confusing thing is Mr. Gordon still has the article up even though it is filled with many inaccuracies. He even lists several corrections at bottom of article since its writing. Mr. Gordon even berated Mr. Lee in his email response (below) for lying to him about my father. Knowing that his sources spread lies and now with so many inaccuracies in his own article why not just take it down? Why the need to keep spreading very inaccurate information that he got from these sources regarding my father? 

Forwarded email response from Mr. Gordon to Mr. Lee


I can and most certainly will point out ANY discrepancies of anything pertaining to my father. 

Not one of these people writing or posting these articles about my father had a relationship with my father and have totally mispresented what they claim to know.  Not one posted anything regarding my father until after he passed away. 

Not one of the people who are supposedly “honoring” my father, Mr Lee, Mr. Miskel or anyone from usadojo website actually bothered attending his memorial service. However for what ever reason they seemed compelled to post various inaccuracies about him. They certainly didn’t bother asking the family if the information was even remotely correct, didn't even seek out permission to use his picture. 

Mr. Miskel felt compelled to make many false statements regarding my father in his articles even inserting that he and me father trained together when in actuality they had not. Even a half truth pays no respect at all to my father's memory. 

Talk about individuals, total strangers no less who feel entitled to something that didn’t even belong to them. This is tantamount to vultures feeding off a dead carcass.  


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