The many misrepresentations of Samuel Joseph Lonewolf
It is my endeavor to clean up the mess regarding my father that other's have made online since his passing. Fabricated and fake rank certificates, blatant lies and misrepresentations abound on line on various websites and social media accounts such as FaceBook. One of the people who seems to be heavy into pushing these false hoods using my father’s name is Don Miskel. It seems Mr. Miskel like Gary Lee has also exaggerated his claims regarding my father. One of the things I noticed is that he claims to have studied and trained under my father on this website “I studied Hawaiian kosho ryu kempo under Dr.Joseph Lonewolf.”
You can plainly read what that it states on the
website that Mr. Miskel claims to have studied with my father. I find it
somewhat strange that he omits my father’s first name. He makes similar claims
of being close with my father here on another site.
None of his claims regarding my father are even remotely true. They certainly
didn’t come up through the ranks together as Mr. Miskel tries to suggest.
Back in January of this year. I sent a Mr. Gary Lee an email (above) asking him to cease and desist with his fraudulent claims of inheriting my father, Sam Lonewolf’s system.
At first Mr. Lee denied making such a claim but then strangely blamed the mistake on his “publicist” after which Mr. Lee was quick to bring Mr. Miskel into on our conversation. Mr. Lee offered as proof of his relationship with my father an article written by Mr. Miskel about my father. This article that Mr. Lee was referring to, , was supposed to serve as proof of as to how close Mr. Miskel and my father were.
Mr. Miskel inserted himself into the email conversation and attempted to convince me that both He and Mr. Lee were indeed close with my father.
One of the first things Mr. Miskel did was introduce himself as the head of the Black Dragon Fighting Society. When I read this, I was somewhat stunned, to think Mr. Miskel would actually think that my father’s own family wouldn’t know who my father did and did not deal with or who he was or wasn’t associated with.
Lies and misrepresentations start somewhere and it no doubt started with certain people within the Black Dragon Fighting Society and my father had called them out on it. Years ago, my father had his fill of certain individuals in the Black Dragon Fighting Society and he made it known that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with them.
My father had gotten fed up with the lies that some of the Black dragon Fighting Society members were telling. Some of these members went so far as to try and drive a rift between my father and his long-time black belt and kur obi from Florida and one of the people my father actually left his system to. My father was not happy about their attacks on his student and wanted nothing to do with the Black dragon Fighting Society because of their lies and fabrications. Despite my father rebuking the Black Dragon Fighting Society it seems they wanted to insert themselves into my father’s history none the less, after he passed away. Stealing not only his name but attempting to steal his system.
Mr. Miskel also claimed in his email that he saw my father in sept or oct 2012. He also claimed that my father was a member in good standing with the Black Dragon Fighting Society. When I challenged Mr. Miskel on this, he realized I didn't buy into his hogwash.
In his third email (above), he recanted and admitted that he did not know my father or did he meet him like he had originally claimed in his first email. Mr. Miskel further stated that he had never been to my father’s home or his dojo.
After being caught in and having to admit his lies, Mr. Miskel made sure that he forwarded an email (above) to me that he sent to Mr. Lee where he referred to me as being bitter and angry. It was apparent he was angry when caught in his lies regarding his relationship with my father. his forwarded email was a retaliation and an attempt to get in the last word.
It seems Mr. Miskel, like Mr. Lee had spent several years claiming to have a close relationship with my father. They both would like others to believe that they were close to my father. In actuality neither one had a close relationship with my father. Mr. Miskel even admits, by his third email ,that he had "never been to my father's home or dojo". It was obvious he did not know my father at all nor had he trained with him like he seems to claim online on various sites and posts.
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In his email Mr. Miskel goes on to say that he has nothing to gain from claiming an affiliation with my father. To the contrary Mr. Miskel has promoted people using my father’s photoshopped signature, chops, stamps and duplicated certificates and it bares to be repeated, he claims affiliation on several websites. I have several more certificates come up in recent months and they all appear to have been distributed by Mr. Miskel himself. Mr Miskel it seems after being caught in his lies had attempted to downplay his own misrepresentations in regards to my father.
Neither Mr. Miskel or Mr. lee are on my father’s list
of black belts, they never have been. Neither Mr. Lee or Mr. Miskel have ever been spokespeople or
representatives of my father's system. Neither man was at any time entitled to
my father's system. They weren’t ever appointed or considered a part of my
father’s system in any capacity. Mr. Lee and Mr. Miskel tried to take advantage
of the passing of my father to bolster their own agendas. That agenda was to
insert themselves into a history that they had zero-part in.
There has been a lot written about my father online, unfortunately it has been written by those who didn’t actually know him, like Mr. Miskel and Mr. Lee. In January I asked both gentlemen in an email one simple question regarding my father’s system. If either man had trained a single day with my father, they would know the answer to this question. It was literally the ground work for what my father based his entire system on. Mr. Miskel turned out to be long winded on dropping my father's name, but short on actual knowledge of my father's system. He made no attempt to answer the question. He couldn’t, he realized he had been caught in his long running ruse. Mr. Lee didn’t answer it either back in January. A few months later Mr. Lee tried to and he gave out the name of some traditional technique. Needless to say, it wasn't correct and it was obvious neither man had actually been in the company of my father.
My father did not claim to be a grandmaster, he did not have hundreds of blackbelts under him. My father’s list of blackbelts is much, much smaller and easy to verify. My father had an 8th dan in Kenpo and Karate and he had studied Kodokan Judo. He did not consider himself a Grand master even in his own system, First Nations Fighting Arts, only a hachi dan (8th degree black belt). My father based his rank in his system on the ranks he already attained in kenpo and karate. In 2015, he received a Meritorious Service award where my father was awarded a tenth degree black belt in his own system posthumously.
My father was very independent and he had his own way of doing
things, even in his martial arts training he broke away from tradition, he had his own
system, his own methods of training, it was his own unique style. My father
identified as a Native American and things were done very much in the Native
American way, he trained with Native American weaponry. Out of my father’s
blackbelts there is only one person that actually teaches what my father taught and whose capable hands my father's system now solely lies in. All others have no claim.
This is a great read. Thank you for being truthful and showing others who he really was. Please check your email. Thanks in advance