There have been things posted online on FaceBook about my father over the years by Mr. Lee and Mr. Miskel that are filled with “inaccuracies” or “falsehoods” and that is putting it as politely as I can. I do intend to address ALL of Mr. Lee's intentional misrepresentations. Mr. Lee claimed he inherited Hawaii Kosho ryu kenpo from my father. Mr. Lee has spent the past nine years claiming to have a close relationship with my father when in actuality he did not have one at all. One of the biggest blunders of course was the fake certificate that Mr. Lee produced and fabricated for himself. 



Mr. Lee has spent a lot of years telling quite a few lies about how close he was with my father. He still has pictures of his fabricated certificate still up on his various social media and facebook pages. According to Mr. Lee My father promoted him to Judan, 10th degree black belt in 2006. There is however another problem with Mr. Lee's story and his fake certificate in Hawaiian Kosho ryu kenpo Jiujitsu or Karate.  In 2006, the year that Mr. Lee claims my father promoted him to 10th Dan (judan) my father was an 8th Dan at that time.  

My father had an 8th dan in Kenpo and Karate and he had studied Kodokan Judo. He did not consider himself a Grand master even in his own system, First Nations Fighting Arts, only a hachi dan  (8th degree black belt). He based his rank in his system on the ranks he already held in kenpo. My father did not teach traditional kenpo karate he did train in Native American weaponry.  My father also taught free of charge. Mr. Lee did not know my father at all. He obviously did not realize or know of ANY of this when he forged and fabricated his tenth dan certificate and fabricated a history with my father.

Recently Mr. Lee sent Mr. Greysmith an email. It seems Mr. Lee is avoiding me and attempting to lie about removing his false claims from face book. He wanted Mr. Greysmith to take down his articles where Mr. greysmith helped expose Mr. Lee's fabricated certificate, his false claims as well as Mr. Lee's rank mill promoting people in my father's system. 

I know who was close with my father and who wasn't the whole family does and I am going to be addressing the many lies that have been spread about my father regarding his rank and number of actual black belts and students that were under him in future entries. You can get the full story behind how Mr. Lee took advantage of my father and his widow and family in the previous entry. 

My father’s system lies in the hands of one person Lewis Sixkiller. Sixkiller was the Native American name given to him by my father, he is of course, of Native American descent. My father had come up with the name Sixkiller because the name was also found in Lewis’s own ancestry. He has been given the rank of Red Belt in my father’s system and everything regarding my father's system will be handled by him. He was my father’s longtime black belt and friend. He is the only one who can give out rank in my father's system. 

This decision was approved by the council who were part of the leadership  of First Nations Fighting Arts. My father Identified as a Native American and this was done in the way, the Native American way, that my father had laid out and wanted things to be done. 



Neither Mr. Gary Lee or Mr. Donn Miskel were actual black belts under my father and are not on my father's list of black belts and students. If anyone supposedly has a rank certificate but isn't on my father's list of black belts and did not train directly under my father they are not valid. In other words if your weren’t a full student at his dojo the rank certificates are not valid regardless of who signed them.   


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